String Theocracy

Well... what to start this off with? I guess first and foremost, I've been returning back to my Persona 3 phase as evident by this page's theme.
My boyfriend took interest in it as of late, so I've mainly been watching him stream it to me while I worked on my site. It's been nice—watching someone go through it completely blind. I'm surprised he didn't know a lot about it, I know spoilers are bound to creep up for something as big as Persona. But, I'm not complaining. He got attached to Shinjiro, and I think most would know how that pans out.

He just got to the reveal with Ryoji, and he's highkey regretting not prioritizing Ryoji's social link. I fear he got stuck on Rank 2 if you remember how it works. If you don't, here's a refresher...
If the female protagonist doesn't talk to Ryoji after school and agree to spend time with him, the Social Link will freeze at Rank 2.
Overall, I'm glad he's having fun. It definitely sparked some old love I had for it I thought I didn't have anymore. And it makes me happy to see him having fun with a new game. Persona 3 is definitely my favorite of the series despite its flaws. If I'm remembering right, I played it around, say… fifth grade? Sixth? (I’m sure if I dug through my notebooks from around that era, I would find my early art of Akihiko kissing Minato’s forehead… it was bad for me.) I definitely shouldn't have been playing those games at that age, but well, it's okay.
It was after I got super into Danganronpa, and my cousin had both emulated on his PSP. He tended to switch between the games, and I would follow suit. Honestly, while I liked it a lot, I didn’t really get around to appreciating its core themes and messages until I got older. Kind of seems fitting, though.
I realize my mom and my brothers are getting a lot older. My grandparents too, and then me.
I don't have a lot of time with them, you know? It's something I've thought about many times already, and I'm really trying to make life easier for them and just... show I love them. It's not always perfect, but I think they know that my love is a clumsy one.
I also finished Chapter 4 of Limbus Company. Wow, what a wonderful chapter. Yi Sang definitely shot up in my favorites, but I must say this was the first time I read the source material before heading into a Chapter. I had some free time prior, and 'The Wings' as well as his poems were quite a short read—I figured I should give it a shot.
I don't think I can head into new Cantos anymore without doing so. Reading 'The Wings' and other works just had Yi Sang's character and arc make so much more sense. I did read Crime and Punishment around last month as well, and it as well gave a lot of perspective to Rodya's character. I hope they can do a follow up for her arc though? There's so much to unpack with that book, and I feel like Canto II like, barely scratched at some of it. I'm sure this can probably apply to Gregor too, though I haven't read the Metamorphosis yet.
Moby Dick is gonna be a long read. But I plan on maybe listening to an audio book with my friend. If he's still down at least, I know he's a busy guy. But I'm really proud of him! So I don't wanna hold him up as he gets his life rolling.
Speaking of, coding this site has been a lot of genuine fun and joy. Especially as I've been waiting for these damn jobs to call me back. I’m really excited to keep things going. Honestly, I think I'm riding a high of how well things have been panning out—briefly considered making free layouts or something... then I remembered I still have much to learn! Whether making things responsive and okay on smaller screens.
I don't have much to report today except that I've gotten a lot of pages out and I'm really glad. So I'll sign this off here! (I'll be updating this page to look a lote nicer too.)

Test. Hello!